If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck ......
"Hello I really enjoyed reading your blog. I spend a lot of time reading blogs and I thought this blog was done very well. In fact if I were you I would go to autosurfmonster dot com and submit this blog so thousands of others can see it for free. Well , I look forward to all the updates, thanks again!!Jessica"
So then I went to the touted website, and it looked harmless enough. But who knows? In the movie, "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer," a vampire begs to be invited into a house, because the rules say that he can't come in unless invited. So I resisted clicking on the link to join. It might be the equivalent of inviting the vampire in. I once clicked on a malicious website, and in an instant, there were so many viruses and trojans infecting my computer, that even my keyboard became inoperative. It cost me time, money, and a lot of aggravation to get it straightened out. So I held back on clicking.
Then, I looked the website up on Google. I got a few blogs that had mentioned it. One touted it, then retracted it, saying that autosurfmonster dot com was not what it was cracked up to be, and that the blogger was retracting his recommendation. Then I found another blog with the website mentioned on it. The blog was called "Ain't Chicken." And, I'll be damned, but the wording was so similar, and the blogger reasoned that anyone can see his blog for free, even if they haven't registered with auto surf monster. I concur.
Another thing, the comment was put on by someone calling herself/himself Jessica, but signed it anonymous. Who, or what is Jessica, anyway?
Moral: Be cynical, and trust very little on the 'net. The computer you save could be your own.